Rev. Toby Philpart, Pastor
Pastor of New Bethel Missionary Baptist Church, and the newly elected 17th Moderator of the Florida East Coast Baptist Association. Reverend Philpart exemplifies the true “Spirit of God”, he comes to our Association with a “Vision and a Mission” from God that includes every aspect and well-being of the Association. His Bio is highlighted as follows:
- Born in Deerfield Beach Florida to the parentage of Jerome & Flora Philpart.
- Husband of Mrs. Sonjia Lynn Kennedy-Philpart, and they are the proud parents of two beautiful daughters, Valencia and Amber.
- A Graduate of Deerfield Beach High School and a Veteran of the United States Air Force.
- Ordained as a Gospel Minister in 1988.
- An Acquired Bachelor’s Degree in Biblical Studies from the Moody Bible Institute.
- A Student of the Clinical Counseling Graduate program at Palm Beach Atlantic University.
- Former pastor of the New Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church, Fort Pierce, Florida, where he served for 20 years.
- Former FECMBA Congress of Christian Education President
- 5th Vice President of the Florida General Baptist State Convention, Inc.
His heartfelt verse is: “But as it is written, eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither has entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for them that love Him.” II Corinthians 2:9.

Rev. Toby & Mrs. Sonjia Philpart

rev. jesse dozier
executive PASTOR
rev. kenneth allen
Associate PASTOR
mIN. ronald pugh
min. of music
M.N.B. Leadership
sis. patricia seabrook
Admin. asst.
dea. sam cooper
Deacon Board, Chairman
sis. sandra mapp
trustee board, chairwoman
sis. jeanette eagle
christian education, dean
M.N.B. Leadership
sis. Shirley Bryant
Youth Dir / Ofc. Asst.
Sis. Valerie Mays
tech. coor.
rev. dr. richard williams, ii
christian educ. dir.
sis. sonjia philpart
admin. asst. ii
sis. Shirley griggs
missionary min. dir.
Sis. ann jones
church clerk
dea. booker/
Sis. marion cooper
food pantry coor.
sis. virginia felder
baccalaureate committee
sis. bernice wooten
deaconess ministry
Sis. shirley madison brooks
greeters ministry
bro. elridge jones
young adult dir.